Sunday, November 02, 2008

Pounding headache
I used to hear people grumble about rainy days but I'm certainly not a fan or scorching hot weather. And it certainly doesn't help having only warm water at home.

The cross-stitch project is coming up ok. Completed the first three and waiting for the right moment to get other projects. Truth is, been wanting to give mom some of my stitches but haven't got the time to do so. Not really not having time, not finding time is more suitable. So, maybe I could just shelve all plans and start spending more time to complete the stitches. Who knows? It can be popular again.

Weekends are the most boring days as I find myself feeling a little bit trapped. But due to the unfortunate case of international sluggish economy, nothing can be done except just to hold the purse a little tighter. OK, fine Malaysia has not gone into recession yet but she is bound to be in the same fate in a few quarters to come. It's best not to be too sunny and happy as when the grim story hits us, maybe it is going to be too late already.

The day has just started, haven't eaten breakfast yet. Hahaha.

Have a great remainder of the weekend. I'm like sleepy but will be feeling so like a sloth and guilt if I go to sleep again.

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