Saturday, March 27, 2010

Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

disclaimer; this review was written based on personal observation. read, trust and believe it at your own risk.
credit : stewartsreadingcircle

  Honestly, what catches my eye for the first time was the title of the book. actually, the first word because i love to eat. hoho.

 the book is funny, biting, a page-turner and well.. weird as it seems, it works like a motivational book. why?

  she flew all the way to italy to speak the beautiful language after her divorce. the divorce, obviously was not pretty. nobody shook hands on it. it was not glorious but she had to get out of it; the life with a husband, a nice house, a job ...well almost everything.
  after italy, she flew to india, to discover spirituality. personally, i think this part was really beautiful. imagine leaving all your worldly possessions to live in an ashram (bukan asrama pls) and quiet the chaotic mind. this part to me is really beautiful since the person in this story has a really busy, noisy mind. seriously, i tried meditating and it was not easy. trying to block all the thoughts was not easy.

  kawan saya cakap, cuba bayangkan yang anda seperti bayi yang baru lahir ketika bermeditasi. ha ye la sangat. mesti masa tu isbuk fikir 'saya lbayi lelaki atau perempuan?', 'apa personaliti saya?', 'adakah saya comel?', adakah saya mempunyai adik-beradik yang lain?'.

  ye, minda yang mmg tidak boleh diam.

  and after india (she managed to meditate afterall and being happy with it. i envy her), she flew to bali in indonesia.

  like i said before, it is like a motivational book, not the typical 'you have to take out a pencil to draw your own eyes on the paper' or 'remember to write the good things that happened everyday' sort of thing. it was like, she was talking to me from the book.

  there were many emotions throughout the book. her divorce and breakup was handled in a way that was almost funny but what strikes me the most was how she was affected when a healer in bali didn't seem to buy a house when clearly the healer had money and gilbert was more than willing to help.

  this is really a page turner and to sum it up, it is about a journey of a person who looks for herself, meaning of life, individuality and the best pizza in naples, among others. i truly enjoyed it.

p/s: kapasitor may have another gathering soon. just hope for it to happen *winks

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