Thursday, March 11, 2010

Woke up to an excited, slightly elated feeling before remembered that I haven’t risen from the bed, still being cocooned in a pink blanket. As usual, rushed to put everything into one small package. Well, really it was just this facial wash, facial serum and whatnot. But that made up almost 1/3 of the back.

Sod it. Too late to dismantle an atomic bomb. I mean to start rearranging my stuff in the bag.

Pretended flinging a humongous bag on my back is what I do on a daily basis and march to catch the transportation means that will deliver me to Penang.

Nearly didn’t make it but thank God managed too. This is all because of the mcD breakfast but I do feel grateful not having to start a journey with an empty stomach.

And here I am now in Penang. Was nearly called as an abductor to a cousin because doesn’t look familiar to the Smart Reader teachers. And then kong-ed out for about 2 hours, not without lunch of course. Miahahaha!

Nevertheless, thank you for the wishes this morning. Of course, from the lovely ladies from

Must now retire to write are view of food that is long overdue.

Note to self: Must celebrate with cousins on their excellent SPM results.


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

congrats to all your cousins! ;)

Unknown said...

oke kazen, bace tu