Sunday, November 07, 2010


Originally uploaded by uculer
there were various testimonials on the brochure of the lens. one said 'it felt as if i wasn't wearing lenses', one said it was really comfortable. being me, of course i wouldn't believe any of it. it might as well be some paid testimonials.

the business of putting on and taking off lenses are hard enough. sometimes it felt like something clamped its claws around my eyeballs. painful but it was something i had to do.

for the past two years, i was able to keep my 'kerabunan' at a stable pace. it hardly increases so it was something that i believe. not something that i swear by but lenses helped with astigmatism and also my imperfect vision.

i have been using bioclear for about 1 year something. it was a battle every single time i put it on. either it felt like claws digging or there will be tears of definitely not joy.

this time around, the optometrist (who by now is kind of buddy), recommended hydraclear. it promises long hour at the computer, something that i'm looking for. but still, i was skeptical. i do not think it will work, just a fad on the brochures. i was not really convinced.

but i know i can exchange it, so that came as a bit of a relieve. despite that i have a few more days before i need to change to a fresh pair of lenses, i decided to give the new lenses a try.

and wow! i am impressed. it is really comfortable. not really to the point of not feeling it was there but i do not have to run to the toilet to re-wet my lenses. it felt almost breathable.

the only downside is now i can really see that i'm wearing lenses. ok i know, i've grown accustomed to people not noticing it. but really, i like it.

the lenses are for 14-day use so there is no need to be too overly worried about protein build-up.

so, there you go. now i'm happy with the new pair.

per box cost RM 150. but ask around, you might get discount.

available for normal lenses and for astigmatism.

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