Saturday, March 13, 2010

When i first said that I want to go down to Penang, a colleague couldn't understand why i should. When I told her that I had to help out, she was still flammoxed by the idea.

Well, if it wasn't the family who had to do settle the bunga telur and stuff, who are going to do it? So, that's why I'm here.
 'syot terbaik malam ini,' kataku kepada kazen sendiri

The arrival of the people who wants to help out with the bunga telur and all started at around 3pm.The place was full with aunties, having all the bunga telur and stuff. And of course, with kids. Cousin, who is now 15, screamed bloody murder at a bunch of kids running around (running amok more likely) inside and outside the house due to the excitement of a small reunion. She was really tired, just came back from school and was just taking a nap before heading of for tuition. Me? I went straight down to help the people with bunga telur. After a two hour nap that is.

Around 7pm, most of the people helping out (some were neighbours) started going back home. Not before having dinner here first of course. So, it was my cousins and me doing the bunga telur. And believe me, it was more than 400 (some will have to be done tomorrow).

Around 8pm, Makcu came all the way down from KL . I have been longing for a bit of entertainment since 6pm and it was what I got once she set to work. She is a schoolteacher, a headmistress actually and you know how it is like having to make all the decisions. Since evening, the host has been making the decision but now she stepped in, directing this and that. The thing is, host won't given it.

First it was the bunga telur


' Isn't the theme orange?' She was eyeing the bunga telur in front of us with suspicion.

Hosts' daughter: ' Ini tema dia bunga telur suka hati mak pak aku' and then laughed.

Host (husband): ' Mak ja. Bukan pak. Pak dia duduk tepi kedai, dok lena tengok mak dia dok tunjuk-tunjuk bunga'

And we had a good laugh about it. We as in my brother and I. Crazy devils.

Then, there was the problem with how many muffins and kuih to put in each bag. Since Makcu is a schoolteacher, we became her colleagues and were asked to co-operate. We were divided into different division.

Division 1: Put the muffin and kuih in plastic bags.

Division 2: Plastic bag will be sealed using a machine that I do not know how to operate. At all.

Division 3: Will now add the sealed plastics into another plastic with bahulu

Division 4: Wrap them all up (my division)

Division 5: Put the wrapped up thing into gift bags
 semua pun macam gila teruja dengan gamba gift bag. haha

Division 6: Put everything in the car and ship it over to another house.

kecederaan diri sendiri tercucuk dawai haha

I'm just glad that we did it the traditional way. Of course, the problem of having to sit down (bersila) from 6 until 11 is not the best experience in the world, I don't regret it at all.

Maybe, we no longer cook food for weddings in big pots anymore but still, I'm glad we still work together for the bunga telur and stuff.

After all, I'm very glad we still do it the old way, with chaos and all.


Anonymous said...

ucu dah macam gudies factory dah,hahaha.

Unknown said...

kan, iqa? sgt mcm industri kecil-kecilan

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

bestnya kenduri kawen macam ni. rindu~ :)

Unknown said...

nnt turn syud kite buat mcm ni oke? eh?:D